One of the best-loved conveniences for your home is music on-demand that plays wherever you are. Music makes a house into a home. That’s what we do – we bring the pleasure of music at the touch of a button on your mobile device for all spaces, inside and out, with the latest gear from the world’s best vendors. Our advanced audio systems deliver sound that fits a range of environments. You can have concealed sound for any room, at high levels of quality. Speakers can be recessed in walls and ceilings, indoors or out. That means no clutter, no special furniture, no carrying CD’s from room to room. The system is housed in a centrally located rack or closet. Artist and album information can be displayed on a TV or your phone. The Beatles in the bathroom? Oprah in the kitchen? Yes!
Watch anywhere, everywhere. We spend much or our days hanging TVs and we’ve been doing it for a long time. We can conceal the ugly components and wiring like cable boxes, Bluray dvd, Apple TV, or Roku players either in closets, furniture or behind the TV itself. We often centrally distribute those sources or whatever you require in a central AV rack to share them to all TVs in the home. This saves money on the cable bill, removes clutter from the living space, gives full options everywhere, and allows for easy future upgrades as technology evolves.